Thursday, September 16, 2010

Single exponential smoothing and foldl

Recently I looked at simple techniques for time series smoothing and forecasting. One such primitive method is the single exponentially weighted moving average (SEWMA), defined as

\begin{align*}<br />S_{t+1} & = \alpha y_t + \left(1-\alpha \right ) S_t \quad \quad 0 \leq \alpha \leq 1 \quad \quad t \geq 2 \\<br />S_2 & = y_1<br />\end{align*}

where the sequences are indexed from 1. y_i denotes an observed value of the time series and S_i a SEWMA value. In words, this recursive definition expresses that the next SEWMA value is a weighted average of the curent observed and SEWMA values.

If I pose the question "What is the predicted value for the next time series observation?" we just apply the formula.

A typical imperative implementation

sewma <- function (alp, y) {
S <- y[1]
for (t in 2:length(y)) { S <- alp * y[t] + (1-alp) * S }
This is R code, but it should look familiar enough to anyone who has written Java, C#, etc.

Haskell implementation
In Haskell, a fold is a way of recursively iterating a data structure, accumulating a return value. The left fold has type
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f s y = ...
Denote one of the values from the conceptual sequence of accumulator values as S_i. The function f maps from the current accumulator and list values to the next accumulator value

S_{t+1} = f\left(S_t, y_t \right)

which is the form of the SEWMA equation above. The foldl1 function is a specialisation of foldl that uses the first value of the list as the initial accumulator value, yielding the implementation
sewma alp = foldl1 (\s y -> alp * y + (1-alp) * s)

Revisiting R
R has the Reduce function for performing folds.
sewma <- function (alp, ys) {
Reduce(function (S, y) { S <- alp * y + (1-alp) * S }, ys[2:length(ys)], ys[1])

If accumulating a value over a data structure can be represented with a step function of the form

S_{t+1} = f\left(S_t, y_t \right)

then a left fold captures the recursive implementation.

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